I recently had the opportunity to visit Scotland’s Temperate Rain Forest on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula. This beautiful part of the world is home to some of the last remaining Temperate Rain Forest. Two of our friends; PJ and JJ retired to the peninsula a few years ago and invited us to stay for a holiday, an offer we jumped at.
It was a long drive up from Portsmouth, especially with the Corran ferry out of action, so we broke the journey by resting overnight at Carlisle.
When we set off the next day we started to see the scenery changing, it was more rugged and mountainous. The first place to really take my breath away was Glencoe. I had seen pictures but the real thing was something to behold. I stopped at the “Three Sisters” to quickly grab a photograph.
We were in a bit of an Indian summer and the weather and light was amazing. We continued our journey to their house on the peninsula and all the way was spectacular scenery.
PJ and JJ have pet dogs and on our first day PJ took me along the road to a place by the loch where he walks the dogs. I didn’t take my camera kit, and just had my phone. Even so, the scenery was so amazing that the phone was enough.
Whilst there, we were treated to visits to many of the peninsula’s scenic spots, including a wander through a few examples of the forests.
There was much in the way of nature there too, some seen elsewhere in the UK and some not so common.
Although there are some great creatures here, there were others I did not get pictures of (this time). We saw White Tailed Sea Eagles, Golden Eagles, Buzzards, Hooded Crows, Curlew, Red Deer, and of course the famous midges. The midges seemed to like the taste of me particularly, and everything they say about Scotland’s midge is true.
Whilst we were there, there were a flurry of some kind of named full moon pictures on social media. I jokingly said I did not see the point as whatever its name, the full moon always looks the same. I said I would add something else to make it different.
And to finish, an image of the setting sun breaking through the clouds over the Sound of Mull as we returned to the mainland on the ferry.
And a final thank you to PJ and JJ, they were excellent guides to their wonderful part of Scotland.
amazing pictures pete.
Thanks Marc, it helps that the place is lovely to start with i guess.