Photo Locations

It’s Bluebell Season Again! What can you do?

Well it was two weeks ago. Every year there is always a few weeks in the spring when the woodland in the south of England bursts into a beautiful blue colour scheme. The Bluebells have arrived. Despite trying many times over the years, I have never yet got an image that I thing nails what

It’s Bluebell Season Again! What can you do? Read More »

Ne’er Cast A Clout ‘Til May Is Out

Well this is one of those years where the weather conspires against you. Working full time means I can usually only get out to take photos at the weekends or in the evenings (unless I am on holiday). So far this year most weekends have been disappointing an uninspiring. This is the basic wisdom behind

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Early Morning Mist

A couple of hours makes all the difference

Today I wanted to get out and take some images as I have been “missing in action” for a few weeks. I decided to go to a nearby nature reserve called Kingley Vale. Kingley Vale is internationally renowned for its ancient Yew woodland. When I arrived, it was after dawn but the sun was only

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Eyeworth Wood in the Autumn

According to the song, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. However, i think for photographers, Autumn is the most wonderful time. There is plenty of colour as nature prepares for winter, and when its not raining in the south of England, its a lovely time to walk in the woods and enjoy

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Bolderwood, New Forest

Today I went to the New Forest, to a place called Bolderwood. Bolderwood is a popular place so I got there just as the sun rose, though the weather was grey and overcast with spots of rain. Bolderwood is famous for two things; its arboretum and the deer sanctuary. I was not there for deer

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