Club Competitions – September

Well, It’s that time again, The camera club season is upon us once more and, as usual, its time to get into competition mode once more.  At Fareham and Portchester Camera Club, there is a separate league competition for both prints and what are now known as PDIs (Projected Digital Images).

The rounds, which are almost every month from September to June are judged by people who are good enough to give of their time to travel out to the clubs and give their considered opinion on the work presented to them.  This year as last I will be entering the PDI competition.  I do not produce many prints yet and so tend not to enter the Print league.

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I thought I would put “Burnt out” in as I like it and it is unusual.  I was disappointed by the average score it was given and so will be taking advantage of the rule in our competition that allows an unplaced (1st, 2nd, 3rd) image to be entered again in another round.

Can’t complain too much though as the Kimmeridge image obviously appealed to the judge and was awarded 1st place.

The game is afoot….


The image of a burnt out car has been used in a few interclub competitions and always has an average or low score, assuming its not just rubbish, it may indicate that “club” photography is still dogged by it’s traditional concerns about what is and isn’t acceptable…  Strange thing is that they don’t say they don’t like the picture; just that they don’t like the border?

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