Today I went again to Eartham Woods. I knew I would not have long because the weather forecast was only goodish for a few hours.
It’s still fungi season and there were plenty about, but I really struggled to find something that enthused me. Eventually I came across a small group of Fungi that had potential.
Anyone who has accompanied me on one of my fungi shoots will know it can be a slow process. Stacking can involve many images being taken, but today was so much worse. It was one of those days where the sun kept appearing from behind the clouds and then disappearing again. When you are shooting close to a hundred images to get the full stack, it just does not work if the lighting changes dramatically throughout the shooting.
Even getting the composition sorted took forever. I had it all ready to go and then partway through the stack shoot, the sun came out and lit up a tree trunk in the background, both producing an unwanted bright patch and also messing up the exposure. Scratch that set.
In the end I had to use an led light to provide a constant exposure, and use a reflector as a shade to stop the direct sunlight interfering.
After trying and re-arranging I finally got some images I might be able to work with. All that took me two hours! just for one possible image, and I wouldn’t know until I got home and stacked and edited it.
On the way out of the wood, I found a single parasol toadstool and decided to take that in a more traditional way.
Once home and sometime editing this is what I got for my trouble.